I enjoy taking pictures of people, seeing the beauty of their souls and opening their individualities.I like to work with my model‘s make-up, design their clothes, to be a producer, artistic director and photographer at the same time.I love the creation of sincere and intimate atmosphere, when my photo camera suddenly becomes a marvellous window looking into human soul.To all my models I wish to say thanks for their trust, sincerity and enthusiasm.
Personal exhibitions of a photo
1. 1996 - gallery " ZNAD WILII ", Vilnius. 2. 1996 - Russian drama theatre, Vilnius. 3. 1997 - the Lithuanian national TV. 4. 2002 - gallery " ZNAD WILII ", Vilnius. 5. 2007 - gallery of the Academy of arts, Vilnius 6. 2008 - gallery of Russian cultural center, Vilnius 7. 2009 - club ''Fantasy’’,Vilnius 8. 2009 - library of the Vilnius State University, Vilnius 9. 2009 - gallery “13 stopalo” Burgas, Bulgaria 10. 2010 - First International digital photosalon
Group exhibitions of a photo.
1. 2002 - 1st Intersalon KRANJ 2002, Slovenia. 2. 2002 - 4th Intersalon Foto Club RIGA-40, Riga, Latvia. 3. 2003 - 33th Intersalon CHINA 2003, Taiwan. 4. 2003 - 4th Intersalon CIN-03, Serbia. 5. 2003 - 29th Intersalon ALGARVE-2003, Portugal. 6. 2003 - 46th Intersalon MAITLAND, Australia. 7. 2003 - 1st Intersalon CIRCUIT OF THE CARIBBEAN, Curacao 8. 2004 - 47th Intersalon MAITLAND, Australia. 9. 2005 - 31th Intersalon ALGARVE, Portugal. 10. 2005 - 3rd VIETNAM International photo EHIBITION (VN-05), Hanoi. 11. 2005 - “Fotominiatiura-2005,” Svencionys, Lithuania |